The Conference will be held in a single-session scheme. One or two poster
sessions will be scheduled if needed (depending on the number of submissions
and their quality and relevance to the Conference). Authors will be asked to
indicate their preference for oral or poster presentation at the time of the
abstract submission.
The number of oral presentations is limited to about 60. The final
accpetance and format decision will be taken by the Chairs and the
International Scientific Committee.
The official language of the conference is English.
The time allowed for oral presentations is 15 minutes plus 5 minutes for
questions and discussion. We kindly ask the presenters to strictly follow
the allocated time.
Guanajuato, Guanajuato, Mexico
Important Dates
Deadline for abstract submission April 1st 2015
Deadline for abstract acceptance and author notification April 20th 2015
Deadline for authors to submit manuscripts June 1st 2015
Deadline early Registration July 22nd 2015
Conference dates 24-26 August 2015