Since its foundation in 1987 the Academia Mexicana de Óptica, A. C. (AMO-The Mexican Optical Academy and also the Mexico Territorial Committee for Optics of the International Commission for Optics) has been committed with its mission of promoting the visibility and collaboration of the Mexican optics scientists, by organizing academic meetings, conferences and symposia. Since its establishment and during the following twenty six years, AMO organized firstly its Annual Meeting, which was hosted by the Congreso Nacional de Física of the Sociedad Mexicana de Física, A. C. (SMF); and once the SMF Optics Division (DIVO) was conformed in the year 2000, AMO and DIVO jointly organized the Reunión Anual de Óptica (RAO).
In the recent years the AMO Conferences Steering Committee identified the need of providing the outstanding research results obtained by the Mexican optics and photonics community with international visibility; thus requiring to design a new high quality research meeting. As a result AMO launched the Mexican Optics and Photonics Meeting (MOPM) in 2012, on the occasion of the AMO´s XXV Anniversary.
OPA Special Issue for MOPM 2012